Drinks Machines...

Snack Machines...

Frozen Meals & Ice Creams!

Touch Screen...

'Shopping Cart' Multivend...

Vending Machines Brisbane, Gold Coast – Sunshine Coast

Our business is centred on quality which is why we channel a significant amount of our operating profit back into new vending machines and technology. We’ve planned our finances this way to allow us to operate the best equipment available at all times.

We’re in business for the long term, so we take purchasing our vending machines very seriously – physical appearance, reliability, functions and energy efficiency are all factors we consider before purchasing a new vending machine.

We only partner with the best Tier 1 vending machine manufacturers including Crane Vending Systems, Automated Merchandising Systems (AMS), U-Select-It (USI) and Sanden Vendo. These companies share our philosophy on quality and are pioneering in the field of vending machine manufacture.

MEDIA 1me-dia \ n

a channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment.

Media Vending Machines not only bring the latest technology – they look awesome in the workplace lunchroom!

These super reliable vending machines bring fun and interaction to the otherwise ordinary task of vending an item.  The media interface allows us to fully engage with customers by driving promotional activities and alerting people to our social media competitions via the touch screen.

Your average vending operator simply doesn’t have the knowledge or the motivation to roll out these vending machines for you.  Vendit Australia DOES.  We are the only independent vending operator in Brisbane to be placing Media Vending Machines into the market on a large scale.

Remote Monitoring Tools

This technology allows us to monitor vending machine sales in ‘real time’ using the Internet. The data we collect allows us to precisely pre-pick the required stock before replenishing our vending machines. This process not only dramatically reduces the likelihood of items becoming out-of-stock, it also reduces the on-site time required to refill the vending machines.

A notification is automatically sent to the responsible technician to alert them immediately if stock levels fall low or if a technical problem has occurred. This greatly improves our response to fault time and in most cases we can have a vending machine technician onsite within our standard time of 1-4 hours.

Cashless Systems

Tap & Go cashless systems now proliferate every retail outlet in Australia and vending machines are now able to use the same technology.

As standard, every one of our vending machines is equipped with Payment Card Industry (PCI) certified cashless system to provide our customers with this increasingly popular payment option. Cashless payments form around 50% of our total sales revenue, which proves the technology is being widely adopted as a genuine payment method.

Note Acceptors

Our vending machines are fitted with ‘high-denomination’ note acceptors for your convenience. The accepted notes are $5, $10, $20 and $50 notes, negating the need for a pocket full of change to purchase items. Reception staff need no longer carry a float for change requests!

Vendit Australia has made provisions for upgrading all note acceptor firmware so that our equipment is fully compatible with the new Australian bank note being introduced in due course.

Coin Changers

Our vending machines are fitted with high capacity coin changers designed to handle high volumes of coin traffic whilst ensuring the correct change is given every time. All coin variants are accepted with the exception of 5c pieces, which are too light to be weighed precisely by the mechanism.

The coin changers we use are designed to turn change around quickly and with minimal fuss.

Vending Note Recyclers

If a vending machine experiences numerous high-denomination note transactions the coin changer may become at risk of running low on certain coin types.  This can ultimately lead to no change being given at all and needs to be avoided.  To get around this our vending machines may be fitted a Vending Note Recycler (VNR).

VNRs can be pre-loaded with lower value notes so that when a customer inserts a $20 or $50 note, the change given to them will be in both notes and coins.  Clever stuff!

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Green Machines

Our equipment suppliers are always looking for new ways to help reduce our carbon footprint by making vending machines at the forefront of energy efficiency standards. Vending machine technology is evolving rapidly and the equipment available today is thought to be over 150% more efficient than just a few years ago. All Vendit Australia vending machines are certified compliant with the Australian federal standard for energy efficiency.

We’re able to keep ahead of the environmental curve because we only purchase new equipment, which means we benefit from the latest energy efficiency developments as they become available.

Not only are our vending machines doing their bit for the environment, they’re designed to help reduce electricity costs as well!